PhD Dissertation, Master’s Thesis
“‘Canned’ Vaudeville and ‘Canned’ Media in the United States, from the Phonograph to Sound Film: A Media Archaeology of the Sound-on-Disc Vitaphone Shorts (1926-1930)", PhD Dissertation in Film & Media Studies, supervised by Christa Blümlinger & Emmanuel Dreux, University of Paris 8, 2021. 718 p.
“‘Silent’ Comics and the Coming of Sound: Slapstick in Transition,” Master’s Thesis in Film Studies, supervised by Emmanuel Dreux, University of Paris 8, 2014. 115 p.
Book Chapters, Journal Articles
“Comedy Objects #1: Slapstick Speculation” [English] / "La Spéculation burlesque” [French], Images secondes : cinéma et sciènces humaines, no. 4 (2024). Video essay and article.
“La collection de Navigators,” Trafic Almanach 2023 (Paris: P.O.L., 2022), 260-266.
“Eddie Cantor, Singing Comedian: Character and Celebrity Across Media,” in Star Turns in Hollywood Musicals, ed. Marguerite Chabrol, Pierre-Olivier Toulza (Dijon: Les Presses du réel, 2017), 152-167.
“‘Pas d’ambiance, pas de public, rien’: Le spectateur des Vitaphone shorts,” in Point de vue et point d’écoute au cinéma : approches techniques, ed. Roxane Hamery, Antony Fiant, Jean-Baptiste Massuet (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017), 147-160.
“Buster Still Speechless: A ‘Silent’ Comic at the Cinémathèque française,” Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image 1, vol. 3 (2016): 165-169.
Selected Talks and Conference Presentations
“Comedy Objects,” lecture-performance at Rencontres ArTeC, Archives nationales, Paris, Oct. 2024
“Comedy Workers Group : un collectif de travailleur·ses du comique de la Grande Dépression," lecture performance at the conference Enthousiasme ! Théories critiques pour une métamorphose des images et des techniques, University of Strasbourg, Jan. 2024.
“Les Vitaphone shorts au prisme du phonographe et du vaudeville américain,” AFRHC Seminar (Association française de recherche sur l'histoire du cinema), Paris, Oct. 2022.
“Collectionner pour la création et la recherche,” EDESTA Research-Creation Seminar, University of Paris 8, May 2022.
“Publics (in)audibles dans les courts métrages Vitaphone au format son-sur-disque,” LISTEN Seminar, University Paris Cité, May 2022.
“Collecting Methodologies with the Phonograph,” presentation and gramophone demonstration, Cinema in the Eye of the Collector, La Cinémathèque québécoise, Montreal, June 2017
“‘Canned’ Spectators: from Vaudeville to Vitaphone Shorts,” The Film Musical in The History of Technologies, University of Paris 8, June 2016.
“La biographie d’un ‘poète’: Charlot (1931) de Philippe Soupault et la novellisation du personnage burlesque,” La “novellisation”: peut-on parler d’adaptation?, University of Paris 8, December 2014.
“A Poet in Tramp’s Clothing: Surrealist Writers and Charlie Chaplin (1918-1953),” The Birth of the Tramp, Bologna, Cineteca di Bologna, June 2014.
Roundtable discussions
“Faire communauté,” with Marie Losier, Florian Pourchi, Sophie Walle, Le cinéma de la petite économie: faire et montrer des films de peu de moyens en France aujourd'hui, INHA, March 2024.
“Des archives au film,” with Éléonore Weber, Céline Gailleurd, Raquel Schefer, Archives et cinéma, Kinétraces conference, Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, Nov. 2023.
Roundtable discussion on contemporary photochemical film practices, with Nicolas Rey, Pauline de Raymond, Toute la mémoire du monde, Cinémathèque française, March 2023.
Articles - Interviews - Translations
“Une ‘ruine’ comique : Fatty and the Broadway Stars de Roscoe Arbuckle, par Marc Vernet,” Débordements [online], October 2015.
“A Note on the Intertitles in Manhattan Madness (1916)” in Allan Dwan: a dossier [online], ed. David Phelps, Gina Telaroli, Lumière, Summer 2013: 101-108.
“Against Synesthesia: An Interview with Bruce McClure” (co-authored with Enrico Camporesi), La Furia Umana Paper #2, Spring 2013: 231-241.
“Shinjuku Mad: Koji Wakamatsu and the 60s,” La Furia Umana Paper #1, Winter 2012: 206-210.
“Harry Langdon or the Malady of Sleep,” English translation of a 1929 text by Paul Gilson, MUBI Notebook [online], March 2013.
Numéros. Series of 8 events with films, readings, concerts, and performances. Programmed in collaboration with Anne Destival and Clément Jandard. Part of the exhibition Viens, mais ne viens pas quand je serai seule. Paris, Écran Voisin (Grands Voisins), Summer 2017.
Experimental Nonsense. Program of slapstick films on 8, 16, and 35 mm prints. Festival des cinémas différents et expérimentaux de Paris (Collectif Jeune Cinéma), Paris, Fondation Jérôme-Seydoux Pathé, October 2016.